


To ensure that teachers and administrators are empowered with practical theory and strategies based on current research from the fields of education, psychology, and emerging educational neuroscience organized into a well-integrated conceptual framework. This is critically important if we are to help children and youth fulfill their potential for building thoughtful, healthy, and productive lives through which they make a positive contribution to their communities and the world.


Collaborating with institutions to offer pre-service and in-service studies, as well as professional development through distance learning and selected on-site events. Our services include:

  1. Graduate Studies in Distance Learning Format with Partner Institutions
  2. Professional Development in Distance Learning Format and Live
  3. Consulting with K-12 Schools to Assist with Planning for Instructional Effectiveness
  4. Consulting with Colleges and Universities


Books for teachers and administrators that integrate education, mind, and brain research into practical frameworks and strategies for teaching and leading.

Contact Information:

Web:                     http://www.ciep.org        Phone: (Toll free US)      877-339-2789
E-Mail:                   donna@ciep.org               Fax: (Toll free US)          800-585-3493